Friday, March 29, 2013


First, I would just like to say pole sana for falling behind on posts recently. Life has here has been going well I must say, but after 7 or 8 months, things just begin to feel normal and not nearly as exciting to write about anymore. Not only that, but my precious computer battery and the time I have online are both quite limited. While before I could make blogging a priority, the shift has officially been made to job applications for next year. Updating my resume, writing cover letters, filling out applications, compiling references, and so on all take time. And a lot of time when you can only charge your computer once a week and it takes at least five minutes to load any website page.
That being said, pray for this job search. While I am certain that math teachers are in demand, it’s difficult when you submit a cover letter and then have to include the *minor* detail of current residence: Middle of Nowhere, Tanzania.
Now let’s see, what’s the news of life in Muyenzi? Well, it’s Easter break next week, so we closed the school yesterday and will open again on April 8. While I was initially hoping that I could visit some other volunteers in the southern part of the country, plans fell through when we actually had classes all week instead of a sports tournament with two other schools, and then my 3 day journey wouldn’t get me there in time to see them. So instead, I’ll be hanging out in Ngara for a few days, hopefully find a church for Easter Sunday, and then head to Kigali next week to switch things up a bit. I have a “to-do” list that’s way too long currently, so I plan on using as much electricity and Internet as humanly possible in the next week…and hopefully I’ll actually be able to get something done! No worries, catching up on blog posts and stories from the past few weeks is certainly on my list! So stayed tuned!
In other news, my flight home has officially been booked! While my Internet is actually not strong enough to open my itinerary currently, I can tell you that I will be departing May 22 and arriving in the US on May 23! While I am certain the transition will be difficult (for instance, you’ll all expect me to shower more than once a week, and personally that just sounds like a lot of effort…) I think I’m ready to begin the next chapter of my life, wherever that may be, doing whatever it is that I’ll be doing….
And with that, I will leave you with this: One of my goals for this year abroad is to read the Old Testament from start to finish. Currently I am reading Proverbs, and last night before falling asleep I came to one of my favorite passages:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

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