Saturday, November 17, 2012

This Is The Best Day Ever!

Why you may ask?

Because we can wash both hands, at the same time, with soap, at our house, for the first time in three months.

Are we excited about this? Certainly!!! Aren’t you excited every time you can wash your hands, at the same time, with soap, in your sink?

I’m telling you, it’s the little things in life that make the biggest impact. And when you are down to your last drops of hand sanitizer, which can’t be purchased anywhere in a 500 mile radius, the matter of washing your hands becomes critical. Luckily, I have a very innovative roommate, and on Tuesday we walked to Rulenge and found a man who was able to fasten a tap into the side of a bucket for us, so we now have running water!! This is revolutionary, I’m telling you!

Also, I must include the fact that we were pushing Marisa’s bicycle to town as well because both of her tires were flat. It was a very hot, long walk, but we were incredibly lucky to be offered a ride! A very old pick up truck was making its way down the road as we were half way to town, and we were able to climb in the back end, bicycle and all! So we only had to make the long, hot journey home, water bucket and fixed bicycle in hand! Hence, this was the best day ever!

And it just gets better, because when we got home, I could wash my dirty hands. I was also able to take a bucket bath. We had chapatti, stewed vegetables and really delicious guacamole for dinner. And then, Tuesday is our weekly movie night, and how can you not go to bed happy after watching Because I Said So? Seriously, this was the Best. Day. EVER. J

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