Sunday, February 3, 2013

This is it: 4 Month Countdown

I can’t believe I only have 4 months left in Tanzania! That’s crazy! Mainly because that means I’ve been here for 6 months already. Blows my mind!

At this point, I think it’s probably a good idea to think about the things I want to accomplish in my time here, and then make them happen!

First, I want to learn all of my students’ names. Considering this is the whole school, this might be a challenge. But I already know all of my form 2’s and about half of my form 4’s. That just leaves the new form 1 students and my form 3’s. I’m bound and determined, so I’ve been taking attendance everyday and hopefully by the end of the month I’ll know everyone!

Second, I told my Form 4 students last week that my goal for them is to have no students score zero on an exam. This class had 17 students score 0 on the final exam last year, so if we actually have an exam where everyone scores points, I’m throwing them a party. Haha. Maybe not a party, but I’ll certainly have to do something for them.

Third, I want to walk home with my students at least one time. While they don’t live quite as far as I do, many of them live up to 7 or 8 km away. It’s a beautiful walk, and it would make for good bonding moments with everyone.

Forth, I feel obliged to include: learn some more Swahili. I really wish I was better at learning languages, but I’m pretty awful at it. I’ve got the survival skills, but that’s about it. We’ll see how it goes…

Fifth, simply enjoy each and everyday. While some days can be quite challenging, and some experiences quite frustrating, and sometimes all I want to do is cry…I need to remember that my time here is limited, only 10 months of all 289 months of my life by the time I return to America. That’s only 3.4% if you were wondering. Which when you put it that way, seems much more manageable and it would be foolish not to enjoy each and every moment I have here! 

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